210, 2019

Stealthing and the Boyfriend Spin

Stealthing: the act of a male secretly removing a condom during sex without the consent of his partner. What if your boyfriend stealthed you? He’s not a sexual predator. He’s someone you trust and love very much. It’s not your first time together, but it’s the first time THIS has [...]

210, 2019

7 YA Books That Tackle the Teen Drug Scene

How to talk to your teenager about the dangers of drug use When my kids were little, I thought it would be easy to talk with them as teenagers about the dangers of drug use. Now that I have one in college and another in high school, it's complicated. Sure, [...]

203, 2018

I LIKE YOU LIKE THIS novel as a movie

Talk of turning my YA novel, I Like You Like This, into a movie all started when Kirkus Review compared it to a John Hughes film. It was thrilling to be mentioned in the same company. Then fans at book events, as well as family and friends, began to chime [...]

2505, 2017

Teens Today vs. 1980s: the quest to belong

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I was sixteen in 1984. Yep, big hair and bad skin. I wasn’t in the popular crowd or an outcast, but somewhere in between. Growing up in an affluent town in Long Island, I assumed that the prettier, popular kids in my high school had it easier than me. Television, [...]

2505, 2017

How to Turn a Creative Writing Class Assignment into a Novel

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(Or how to succeed by not following directions) I’ve never been good at following instructions. I often like to do my own thing and go with my gut a lot. Though my family can tell you, it doesn’t usually bode well when I attempt to cook. What recipe? Oh, I [...]

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